Naturopathy is an approach to health care which encourages and promotes the body’s own self-healing processes by using a variety of different therapies.

Rather than one particular modality, it is a complementary blend of various disciplines, often described as ‘the GP of natural healthcare’, and designed to gently stimulate, activate and encourage the body’s ‘inner wisdom’ to promote healing and facilitate the body through this process.

Naturopathic principles support our own ‘vital force’ (sometimes referred to as energy, prana or chi) through various disciplines such as:

  • Nutrition
  • Detoxification and fasting
  • Herbal medicine
  • TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine)
  • Homeopathy, tissue salts and Bach flower remedies
  • Iridology 

As Naturopaths we are able to identify the most appropriate methods to best support clients with an emphasis on educating and instilling a sense of empowerment, thus enabling the body to return to its natural state of balance.